Thursday 28 November 2013

falling {8 ball pools}

at the bottom of the page there is a cool effect maybe you could take a look

update complete

Update 1 (the poll) is finished making. It will last until 2020. It is a poll based on your favorite cue. Please vote! to see the cue's go on the game and look at the shop. then look in the cue's tab. you don't have to be able to buy it. Choose the one that looks nicest to you.

the poll is at the right tab row and is very long. just go slowly through them untill you see the one you like the best. if i have forgotten any please note it in the comments.
more updates will be released soon.


more updates

here is my new list of updates

  1. im going to add a poll at the side. Please vote 
  2. instruction page
  3. chatbox (if i can)

update complete

i  have finished updates 6 and 7 .

note:2-5 might take a while.

instead ill add a instruction page

Update Complete

upgrade 1 has now been completed. you can now play the game on the website by clicking on the 8 ball pool tab

This is my 8 ball pool page

HI! I've decided to make a page on the miniclip multiplayer game 8 ball pool. on this website you will be able to do lots of things. here is my list of updates that i will do

  1. put in the game
  2. make a news and picture page for all of you to use
  3. maybe make another one
  4. and another
  5. i think ill add one more
  6. here ill put a link to the mobile site
  7. and a link to the other site (if there is one)
if you have any more ideas put them in the comments box below.
hope to see you soon.

PS: if i can get the code ill add something more